Welcome to the jungle! How to create an effective welcome email

Welcome email

A solid first impression has a big impact on people. First impression is an event that happens within the first 15 seconds of meeting a person. In physical environments, this includes your tone of voice, gestures and facial expressions, and your first sentence. Today we’ll see how first impression works with welcome email.

Welcome email is the first mail you send when a user, subscriber or customer interacts with you.

People appear to get stuck to their initial opinions of others and, even when confronted with plenty of facts to the contrary, find it very difficult to change their mind.

Of course, the situation for welcome email naturally varies. Here all the details such as the way you meet people,the title of your welcome email. the article you write, the design, your promises to the user. If any, the emojis you use create a perception of your brand in people’s minds.

Before we begin to dive into the magic of welcome email, remember that you should never underestimate the power of words. Let’s get started.

How to write a welcome email

Welcome email is an excellent opportunity to promote your brand, content and service to people and get them to understand you. Think of this as your first meeting with your user and do your best.


A person has already been impressed by your service and has allowed you to contact her/him, and it is very important to have a title that will highlight your welcome email in the already crowded inbox so that you can maintain this interest. A few important tips for a good title;

1.Keep it short

Nobody likes to read long written titles. Create a simple and content-oriented headline.

2.Write only the important words about your brand

Choose words that make your brand stand out and informative about the content of your welcome email.

3.No country for spam

Avoid capital letters, currencies or misleading content and headlines that look like spam.

4.Personalize it with the person’s name or company name

People love to be spoken to. Content that appears to have been created specifically for them will directly attract their attention.

5.Don’t forget you have a limited space

Be effective and direct. Don’t waste it with unnecessary words like “hello,” “nice to meet you,” and “thanks,” which can easily be included in the welcome email’s body.

Here’s 5 examples for your welcome email title;

  • #1: Welcome to YourBrand! Here’s 20% off your first purchase.
  • #2: You’re In. Welcome to YourBrand!
  • #3: Welcome! We were expecting you!
  • #4: Welcome to YourBrand. Here’s where to start
  •  #5: Welcome to YourBrand: My Service Made Easy!

Contents for your welcome email

Welcome emails has an 86% higher click rate compared to other content. That’s why the welcome mail is a great opportunity to promote your brand and products, show your values and your difference. So what can you include in your welcome email content?

Short and clear

Welcome mails must be short. If you have much to say to your audience, make a video and an image. But never write everything you want to say to your client or subscriber. So rather than create a long welcome email newsletter explaining your values, add a link to a video that covers all you want to say

People love gifts!

You can give them a welcome gift! Previously, in our email marketing for restaurants article, we talked about how effective a gift or a special offer to your customers is. Just as you offer treats to guests who come to your home. You can give a 20% discount coupon to people who subscribe to you or are interested in your product. This shows them that you value them and trust your product.

Don’t sell, just promote

Don’t try to market your products to a new subscriber at the first opportunity. Promote your brand, talk about your advantages, talk about your different aspects and what sets you apart from others. That way you give people a message that what matters is not selling, but winning them.

Use humor BUT be careful

Humor is a good tactic for a good start. Only if it is used in the right place, at the right time and in the right way. Don’t make jokes that people might misunderstand or that you approach sarcastically. More company-specific and small-scale jokes can be made.

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