Manage Your Email Marketing Campaign Effectively

  1. Know Your Target Users

Before deciding to starting a new campaign, you should be sure about who can be an ideal audience for your brand, You spare as much time as you need for that, or you start your email marketing campaign with low success level.

  2. Know The Rules

You should know and comprehend the spam laws for your country and also your customers’ countries. For example, if you plan to send email to customers in the US then you should have a knowledge of “Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003”,

And the basics:

  • Just send your newsletter design to subscribers who have opted for
  • Your each newsletter design must include an unsubscribe link
  • You must add your physical address
  • Don’t use a purchased email list and don’t sell your permitted email addresses

  3. Clear Goals

Before creating your campaign, you need to decide on why you will send your email newsletter design to
your subscribers. Here are the some questions that you should ask yourself:

  •  Why will I send? To give information to users? Anounce an event? Publicise a product?
  • What do I want from my readers?
  •  How will I know if my campaign is successful?

Specifying clear goals and how will you measure the success of your campaign will help your campaign to
be more effective.

  4. Applicable, Clean, Determined Data

If you have email addresses to send already, you need to be sure that you have the truest addresses.
Make sure that you are clearing your email list to delete incorrect information, re-engage  inactive email
addresses and remove subscribers.

You can trust INBOXVerify fort his process. With INBOXVerify, you can verify email addresses in your
email list with %98 accuracy rate.

  5. Encourage Opt-ins

When you start email marketing with a fresh new email list, encouraging people to self-select while
signing up will be good for you.

  • Put a sign up form on your landing page.
  • Put a sign up form on all pages of your website or posts on your website.
  • You can offer a free giveaway video, audio or book to increase number of  your subscribers.

  6. Set Up Your Campaign

Create a campaign which involves standard and privatized elements. You need to check these out:

  • Double opt-in is one of the simplest ways to be compliant.
  • Your newsletter design should be consistent with your website.
  • You should monitor your campaign.
  • You should use auto-responder scheduling.

  7. Design Your Emails

There are some subjects that you should be carreful about when you design your email newsletter.

  • Your subject line is %80 of success of your emails. This means, it should be strong and remarkable.
  • You have to balance the text-to-graphic ratio of your newsletter design.
  • Ensure the use of one clear call-to-action.
  • Ensure that your newsletter design is matching with your website
  • Add your logo and unscribe link into your email design.


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